Feeling trapped is natural, and in that moment you just wait for passing that moment out, and just after a short period of time you will feel get free of such feelings. You must be very aware of the Truth, that all sorts of feelings, good or bad, soothing or irritating, delightful or melancholy, have to pass out, have to fad away. Understanding the nature of all kinds of feelings, thoughts and phenomena only can give you incessant joy. This Understanding itself is Right Understanding, which develops the Equanimity. The joy of Equanimity, is not temporary, but permanent, which can’t fade away and can’t pass out. EQUANIMITY is only peace maker, tranquilizing and sublime, which is born of Right Understanding; and Right Understanding is Understanding all phenomena as temporary, impermanent, transient, non-attachable. Try to practice Equanimity, bring it to the fullest perfection, make that your Nature. You will find, so long this Equanimity remains in you, you feel joy inexpressible. Therefore, a wise one should cultivate it, should practice it always, should develop it and should bring it to the fullest maturity. That is only the way, the single way to remain PEACEFUL, BLISSFUL, FREED FROM DEPRESSION amidst ups and downs, success and failure, joyous moments and melancholy moments of the world.

The Journey of a Yogi: From the Himalayas to Global Teaching
The path of a yogi is not one of mere physical discipline but a profound journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the transmission of ancient