V – Violet
I – Indigo
B – Blue
G – Green
Y – Yellow
O – Orange
R – Red
All the above 7 colors of spectrum, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, sect, religion, nationality and all discriminations, are located in every human being, provided by the Nature. Every color has specific nature and inevitably required to everyone to manifest the multiple natures to make the nature colorful, abundant, harmonic and Happy.

Holi is the festival of colours, inviting everyone to understand theirs energies, joy, rapture and tastes.
On this auspicious occasion of sacred Holi festival, may everyone understand the importance of colors and their essentialities, to make life stress free, rapturous, joyful and Happy. Let’s discard seriousness, be lighter, manifest laughter, joy and oneness.
Very blessed and Happy Holi ????????????????️
Yogi Anand
Adwait Foundation
Adwait Yoga School