There are some signs of profound transformation of body and mind.
If your body exudes the aromatic fragrance, if your skull shines, if your eyes glisten, if your body breathe deeply, slowly and calmly, understand that a profound transformation has occurred on your body plane. But this takes place only after mind transformation, when mind is cool, calm, composed, collected, concentrated, freed from vulgar thoughts, feelings and imaginations. When mind undergoes profound transcendental meditation.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is most effective for God/Divine Realization. I am not talking here about TM of Mahesh Yogi, but this TM is absolutely different than his TM. This TM is absolutely Spiritual but not so-called religious. TM goes beyond all theories, all principles, all techniques. My TM is absolutely free from techniques, this is the Just. This needs rebellion. This needs rebellious personality. This needs to go beyond all book knowledge. To learn this TM needs living learning from living Guru, who is master in this TM. Transcendental Meditation asks to transcend all near and dear things, people, places, beliefs, religions, nationalities, personalities aggregated by corporeality, feelings, perceptions, mental imaginations/fantasies & consciousness. And remaining in that state is Sthitaprajnata, Buddhahood, Brahmanhood, Yoga, Sagehood, living Enlightenment.

The Journey of a Yogi: From the Himalayas to Global Teaching
The path of a yogi is not one of mere physical discipline but a profound journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the transmission of ancient