In my vision courage is the most divine quality. Everything else is secondary, courage is primary, because if courage is there everything else follows. If courage is missing, then all is missing. Only a courageous person can be sincere, truthful, loving, religious. Only a courageous person can go in search of the Ultimate, because the search is arduous, it is an uphill task. It is easy to go downwards, gravitation helps you, but to go uphill is difficult. And the higher you move the more and more difficult it becomes. Before the ultimate is reached one is tested to the utmost. Only a few courages people have passed tThe ultimate examination of life and existence.

These are the Buddhas, the Christs, the Krishnas, but everyone has the capacity to become a Buddha. If anything is missing it is courage
And courage can be gathered. Even a cowardly person can gather courage. He has the ingredients. He just has to put them together.
Sannyas is a courageous step. It may lead you into many difficulties. Face them joyously, enjoy facing them. And you will be surprised that each difficulty becomes a blessing and each challenge proves a tremendous gift of God, because it integrates you, it makes you more and more solid. It gives steel to your spine, it makes you a man of steel.
– Osho