Watch "What is Energetic Anatomy and Physiology? Yoga Teacher Training Course Curriculum Topic, Yogi Anand" on YouTube

Table of Contents

Sri Yogi Anand describes about the Energetic Anatomy and Physiology. This video explains briefly about 5 bodies or koshas (sheathes), 5 Pranas (vital forces), 7 Chakras (energy centers), 3 Nadis (energy channels), 3 Gunas (qualities of nature), 3 ayurvedic doshas (bio-elements), 5 mahabhutas (elements of nature), etc.

5 bodies are:
1. Annamaya Sharir (gross body made of foods and intakes)
2. Pranamaya Sharir (vital body)
3. Manomaya Sharir (mental body)
4. Vijnanamaya Sharir (intellectual body)
5. Ananadmaya Sharir (Bliss body)

5 Pranas are:
1. Prana (inhalation)
2. Apana (exhalation)
3. Vyana (breath retention)
4. Udana (ascending energy)
5. Smana (sublimated vital energy into cosmic prana)

7 Chakras (energy centers) are:
1. Muladhara Chakra (base or root chakra)
2. Swadhisthan Chakra (sacral chakra)
3. Manipura Chakra (solar plexus)
4. Anahata Chakra  (Heart chakra)
5. Vishuddhi Chakra (throat or thyroid chakra)
6. Ajna Chakra (third eye or pituitary chakra)
7. Sahasrara Chakra (Thousands petaled Crown or Pineal chakra)

3 Nadis (energy channels) are:
1. Ida or Chandra or Moon or Yin or Feminine or Cool
2. Pingala or Surya or Sun or Yang or Masculine or hot
3. Sushumna or Central or balanced or combination of both yin and yang

3 Gunas are:
1. Sattva (white or positive)
2. Rajas (black and white or mixture of positive and negative)
3. Tamas (black or negative)

3 doshas are:
1. Vata (air)
2. Pitta (fire)
3. Kapha (water)

5 mahabhutas are:
1. Earth
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Air
5. Space

Adwait Yoga School teaches the above topics in details during its Yoga Teacher Training Course classes.

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Contact: +91-9212774778

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Yogi Anand Adwait

Sri Yogi Anand is an ordained Himalayan Yogi, Yoga Mediation Master, Spiritual Guru, Life Coach, Writer, Eloquent Speaker, and Founder of Adwait Foundation® and Adwait Yoga School.

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