Dear disciple, Alex, Namaste!
To start meditation, with chanting is better; you can chant any mantra 108 times, then change the object of focusing, focus on breathings, count 20 inhalation and exhalation, then in third phase, remain silent without anything thinking, anything visualizing; remain in absolute silent, detaching yourself from all phenomena, beliveing all phenomena as impermanent and not belonging to any of them, not identifying any of them, not attaching to any of them, remaining absolutely unconcerned. That is transcendentl state of meditation and mind.
To start meditation, with chanting is better; you can chant any mantra 108 times, then change the object of focusing, focus on breathings, count 20 inhalation and exhalation, then in third phase, remain silent without anything thinking, anything visualizing; remain in absolute silent, detaching yourself from all phenomena, beliveing all phenomena as impermanent and not belonging to any of them, not identifying any of them, not attaching to any of them, remaining absolutely unconcerned. That is transcendentl state of meditation and mind.