Namaste dear beloved friend!
Following is an online conversation of today, between me and an aspirant on face book on the subject of Crematory Meditation. I’ve shared here with your noble self, thinking this conversation may be interested and enlightening to many people. I’ve not disclosed the name of the aspirant, because she could mind that and could feel bad.

Namaste yogi ji
Namaste beloved friend, ****** ji!
How are you?
I am good Thank you
I am blessed to meet YOU
How is your Yoga-Meditation practices going on?
don’t have any
Me too feel great to meet such a noble person like you.
thank you
Your welcome!
You seem to be a virtuous one.
Thats really Great!
Thank you
Your husband is blessed to find you as his wife, spiritual friend.
How is he and your kids?
I hope so
Thats true, trust me.
Yogi ji Share your experience about your meditation today
Oh sure.
Mediation gives you an unlimited joy.
That heals your body, that sharpens your saw, that connects you with Universal Divine Mind.
Crematory meditation
And that is the things, which one can realize by oneself better.
Oh yes.
Crematory Meditation is frightening for ordinary people, but is attractive for courageous people.
How did u get into it ?
The scene was, yesterday, I had participated in a cremation ceremony at a crematory ground in Delhi. I spent there 2 hours. I was absorbed very profoundly in those moments of 2 hours, very profoundly. All people were busy in preparing the the body and the things for cremation, but single me was absorbed deeply in the meditation.
is it like Aghiri
When that dead body was put on the ground after bathing, I was feeling this is my body being put on the ground after the bath. And again when the woods were being arranged to keep the corpse on that, I was feeling all these are doing for mind body.
And when that was put on the wood, and when that was started to burn, I was imagining my own body is being burnt.
oh my God
To burn that whole body took 2 hours, and I was absorbed into meditation, and imagining all for me.
Still, there were 4 more cremations going on near that.
I saw them very deeply and attentively, and saw the end of the lives.
Why go through it?
You saw their souls leaving
And I was reminding myself, that this is destination of my own body also, I also can’t escape that. So before my body falls, let me awake fully into Immortal Being, that is Nirvana.
I felt a very profound death of my Ego or Identities.
how nice
Isn’t it scary ?
Maybe I am orinary
ordinary human
u are extraordinary !
You are young too !
Pardon me if I say anything wrong !
This meditation destroys the attachment to the body consciousness, body identity, which is the cause of all sins. Killing, stealing, having unlawful sexual intercourse with others, lying, speaking harsh languages, tale bearings, involving in frivolous talks, hitting others if he/she dishonors one, having deep attachment to the body relations and relatives, etc.
Yes Sujatha ji, that is scary for attached people or deluded people.
so it removes evrything like dipping in the Ganges river
only this is more strenuous and can be fatal !
what are the sins one should not commit Yogi Ji?
Yes. That is very purifying and dangerous too for weak people.
All the sins, I’ve just mentioned.
Bodily, Verbal and Mental sins, one should not do.
even thinking about it is bad
Yes, sure.
how can you avoid all the bad thinking
The Self Illusion is the Root of all miseries and calamities.
through meditation and yoga?
Through removing Self Illusion and realizing the True Self, one can avoid all the bad thinking and acting.
I thought the truth is in self within us
Truth is every where within as well as without.
everything is maaya
Yes, thats true, every thing is Maya. Every gross or subtle things and ideas are Maya, born of Maya means Illusion
if you don’t mind can i ask you something?
Oh sure.
Is it true that sex is needed in life otherwise you can become mental
I am sorry somebody told me I am just asking
No, that is not true, Sex is not very essential to live.
can human being be detaches from everything
Of course, an enlightened human being live unattached to any thing to all things, examples are many like Rama, Krishna, Sage Mahavira, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, etc.
you don’t need to release the sexual energy?
Yes, you need to release every thing, every kind of energy in any way. It is not necessary that one should release sexual energy doing carnal sex, one can release sexual energy also doing meditation, remaining absorbed into trance, doing service to the humanity, being absorbed in research and develop work of science, etc.
Okay thank you so much
Your welcome!
I am sorry if it was inappropriate to ask!
No, all was well.
Realize The True Self and Stay Blessed!
Thank you and Namaste ! I am blessed !
Your Welcome!, Namaste! Yes, you are Blessed, every one is Blessed, one has to just recognize it and live the life with that Consciousness.
Thank you again! Pranam !
I will from now on Yogi Ji !
Pranam! Om!